Ysgol Cyfrwng Gymraeg / WM yw Ysgol Gynradd Bro Ingli fel y nodir yn llyfryn Cyngor y Sir “Gwybodaeth i Rieni.”

Agorodd yr ysgol ym mis Medi 1993 a lleolir yr adeilad mewn llecyn prydferth yn nhref Trefdraeth, Sir Benfro. Ysgol ardal yw hon, sydd yn darparu addysg i blant 3-11 oed o gymunedau Trefdraeth, Dinas, Felindre Farchog a Nanhyfer.

Dylir gwneud cais i blentyn ddechrau ysgol mewn da bryd. Os yw plentyn at ddechrau yn Ionawr, Ebrill neu Fedi, dylid gwneud cais erbyn 31ain o Ionawr y flwyddyn flaenorol. Mae ffurflenni ar gael ar wefan y Sir ac ar wefan yr ysgol.

Bydd y Cyngor drwy’r Rheolwr Derbyniadau yn cyfarwyddo Cyrff Llywodraethol, a thrwyddynt y Pennaeth, i’w gwneud hi’n eglur i rieni pan fydd plentyn o du allan y dalgylch yn cael mynediad i’r ysgol y gall hynny gael effaith ar y trosglwyddiad i addysg uwchradd. Nid yw’n dilyn fod mynediad i ysgol gynradd yn hawlio mynediad i ysgol uwchradd y dalgylch; cyfeiriad cartref y plentyn sy’n dynodi’r ysgol uwchradd y bydd yn cael mynediad iddi. Mae adborth wrth rieni yn y Broses Apeliadau yn nodi nad yw hyn bob amser yn eglur o’r dechrau.

Derbynnir plant i’r ysgol y tymor ar ôl iddynt gael eu tair oed. Caniateir i blant 3 oed i fynychu’r ysgol yn rhan amser (prynhawn) yn y tymor cyntaf ar ôl eu penblwydd yn dair oed. Byddant yn dod i’r ysgol yn y boreau yn rhan amser yn y tymor cyn iddynt ddechrau llawn amser yn bedair oed.

Mae trafnidiaeth am ddim i ddisgyblion cymwys.

Amser Sesiynau y Tymor:
Llawn Amser – 9.00yb – 3.15yp
Rhan Amser (bore) – 9.00yb – 11.30yb
Rhan amser (prynhawn) 12.45yb – 3:15yp
Sesiynau rhan amser Llun, Mawrth, Iau a Gwener

Ysgol Bro Ingli is a Welsh Medium school as described by Pembrokeshire County Councils’ Language Policy; the Welsh language is the day-to-day operational language of the school and the whole school atmosphere is essentially Welsh.

The school opened in September 1993 and the building itself is situated in a beautiful area in Newport, Pembrokeshire. This is a local community school which provides education to pupils between 3-11 years old. Its catchment area is Newport, Dinas, Felindre Farchog and Nevern.

Applications for your child to start school should be made in good time. If your child is to start in January, April or September, an application should be made by 31 January the previous year. Forms are available on the county website as well as the school website.

The Council through the Admissions Manager direct Governing Bodies, and through the Head, make it clear to parents when a child from outside the catchment area have access to school that may have an impact on the transfer to secondary education. It does not follow that admission to primary school is claiming access to secondary school catchment area the child's home address that identifies the high school will have access to it. Feedback from parents in the Appeals Process indicates that this is not always clear from the beginning.

Children are accepted as part-time pupils at the beginning of the term following their third birthday. They will attend the afternoon sessions until the term before their fourth birthday. During this time, they will attend the school during the morning sessions. They will then transfer to full time education the term after their fourth birthday.

There is free transport for those pupils who are eligible.

Term Session Times:
Full Time – 9.00am – 3.15pm
Part Time (Morning Session) – 9.00am – 11.30pm
Part Time (Afternoon Session) 12.45pm – 3:15pm
Part-time sessions are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Os hoffech i'ch plentyn fynychu Ysgol Bro Ingli, mae manylion cofrestru Cyngor Sir Benfro isod.

If you would like your child to attend Ysgol Bro Ingli, the full details of Pembrokeshire County Council’s admission arrangements are below.
