O fis Medi 2021, bydd y fframwaith Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig yn cael ei ddisodli gan system newydd a diwygiedig o'r enw - Deddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a Thribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru).

Bydd gofyn i bob ysgol yng Nghymru wneud newidiadau i'w systemau cyfredol. Rydym yn gweithio ar y cyd â Sir Benfro a Chonsortiwm Partneriaeth i sicrhau trosglwyddiad esmwyth i'r Ddeddf ALNET.

Cynhelir arolwg blynyddol o anghenion arbennig y plant, ac os bernir bod anghenion arbennig gan blentyn, cynhwysir ei enw ar gofrestr Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol yr ysgol. Gofynnwn am ganiatâd y rhieni cyn gosod unrhyw blentyn ar y gofrestr. Wrth ddilyn polisi y sir, sydd ei hunan yn gyfateb â’r Cod Ymarfer, dosberthir plant i wahanol gyfnodau, yn ôl anghenion yr unigolyn. O fewn y cyfnodau, cedwir golwg ar ddatblygiad y plentyn, gan helpu’r unigolyn i geisio goresgyn yr anawsterau drwy weithredu cynllun addysgu unigol. Os yw’r problemau yn parhau, gwneir trefniadau i geisio am ddarpariaeth addas mewn cydweithrediad â gwasanaeth seicolegol addysgol yr awdurdod a phan fo angen, cysylltir âgwahanol asiantaethau allanol am gymorth ychwanegol. Gall anghenion addysgol arbennig plentyn fod yn rhai emosiynol, addysgol, corfforol neu’n broblemau ymddygiad. Ystyrir bod gan blentyn eithriadol o alluog Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol hefyd (Mwy Abl a Thalentog), a chymerir ei anghenion i ystyriaeth yn ôl polisi yr Awdurdod Addysg Lleol. Cedwir cysylltiad agos â’r rhieni/gwarchodwyr trwy gydol y broses.

Mrs Enfys Howells yw Cyd-lynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol yr ysgol. Dysgir y plant mewn grwpiau bach neu fel unigolion yn wythnosol.

From September 2021, the Special Educational Needs framework will be replaced with a new and reformed system called – Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act.

All school in Wales will be required to make changes to their current systems. We are working in collaboration with Pembrokeshire County Council and Partneriaeth Consortium to ensure a smooth transition to the ALNET Act.

We conduct an annual assessment of the pupil’s special needs, and should your child be assessed as having special needs, his/her name will be placed on the schools’ register for Additional Learning Needs. We will ask parental permission before placing any child on the register. In accordance with County Policy, which in itself responds to the Code of Practice, we will place children into different stages, according to the individual's needs. Within the stages, the child’s progress is monitored, while helping the individual to overcome the difficulties by implementing an individual educational plan. Should the problems persist, arrangements will be made for appropriate provision in cooperation with the authority’s educational psychology service and, should there be a need, various external agencies are contacted for extra support. A child’s special educational needs can be emotional, educational, physical or a behaviour problem. It is considered that an exceptionally gifted child also has Additional Educational Needs (More Able and Talented), and his/her needs are considered in accordance to the Local Education Authority. We keep a close contact with parents/guardians throughout the process.

Mrs Enfys Howells is the Additional Educational Needs Co-ordinator for the school. The children have weekly sessions in small groups or individually.