Ar ran staff Ysgol Bro Ingli a’r Corff  Llywodraethol, mae’n bleser gennyf eich croesawu i’n hysgol. Prif bwrpas pob person sy’n rhan o fywyd yr ysgol, yw i gyflawni'r safonau uchaf posibl. Mae partneriaeth gadarn rhwng pawb sy’n rhan o’r ysgol yn hanfodol os dymunwn sicrhau dyfodol llwyddiannus i’n plant. Os byddwch yn penderfynu anfon eich plentyn i Ysgol Bro Ingli, gallwch chithau hefyd fod yn rhan o’r daith yma a chyfrannu at gymuned Trefdraeth.  Byddem yn gweithio'n ddiflino i sicrhau bod pob disgybl yn cyrraedd eu potensial.

I gyflawni'r nod hwn, byddem yn sicrhau bod yr amgylchedd a grëwyd yn gynnes a gofalgar lle mae disgyblion yn hyderus, yn hapus ac yn datblygu i'w llawn botensial.

Mae’n bleser gennyf gyflwyno gwefan yr ysgol i chi. Ar y wefan hon, cewch yr holl wybodaeth angenrheidiol am ein hysgol. Mae’n gyfle i chi ddeall yr hyn yr ydym yn ei wneud a’n dyheadau ar gyfer eich plant. Mae cefnogaeth yr holl rieni a gofalwyr yn hanfodol i sicrhau cynnydd ac mae’r ysgol yn gweithredu polisi drws agored. Edrychwn ymlaen at gwrdd â chi ac os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau ymwneud â’ch plentyn, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â’r ysgol unrhyw bryd.

Gall plant ddechrau’r ysgol hon yn rhan amser y tymor ar ôl eu tair oed. Os ydych yn dymuno, gallwch ddod â’ch plentyn i weld yr ysgol a chyfarfod â’r staff cyn y dyddiad dechrau, a gall eich plentyn dreulio amser byr gyda’r plant eraill.

Yn naturiol, fe all manylion sydd ar y wefan yma newid, ac fe all newid effeithio ar drefniadau yn ystod y flwyddyn ysgol.

Cysylltwch, os gwelwch yn dda, os hoffech ymweld â’ r ysgol.

Yn gywir,

Enfys Howells

On behalf of the school staff and Governing Body of Ysgol Bro Ingli, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to our school. The aim of all the stakeholders of the school, is to achieve the highest standards possible. A strong partnership between everyone involved is essential if we wish to ensure a successful future for all our children. If you wish to send your child to our school, you too will be part of this journey and will contribute to the community of Newport. We will work tirelessly so that every pupil achieves the highest standards that they are capable of.

To achieve this aim, we will ensure that the environment created is warm and caring where pupils are confident, happy and will develop to their full potential.

Within this website, you will find relevant information about our school. You will have the opportunity to understand what we do and our aims for your children. The support of all parents and carers is essential to ensure progress and the school practises and open door policy. We look forward to meeting you and should you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of your child’s development, please contact the school at any time.

Children can start this school part-time in the term after the age of three. If you wish, you can bring your child to see the school and meet the staff before the start date, and your child can spend a short time with the other children.

Naturally, details on this website can change, and change can affect arrangements during the school year.

Please get in touch if you would like to visit the school.

Enfys Howells