Ein Gwerthoedd:
Dyma Ysgol sy’n Ymrwymo:

  • I ddatblygu disgyblion i’w llawn potensial, gan annog Dysgu Gydol Oes.
  • I ddarparu amgylchedd wledig hapus, gofalgar a diogel i blant.
  • I greu amgylchedd o gefnogaeth, anogaeth a chymorth er mwyn hyrwyddo cyfleoedd pob plentyn.
  • I ddarparu dysgu bywiog, meddylgar a chreadigol

Dyma Ysgol sy’n Darparu:

  • Staff brwdfrydig a chydwybodol.
  • Cyfleoedd cyfartal a chynhwysiad i bob disgybl.
  • Awyrgylch cartrefol a chlos.
  • Cyfleoedd sy’n symbylu a hybu’r dysgu.
  • Awyrgylch Gymreig ei naws.

Ein Gweledigaeth

Prif bwrpas Ysgol Bro Ingli yw i greu amgylchedd hapus diogel ac iach.

Ysgol sy’n canmol a chynnal disgyblion sy’n gwneud eu gorau glas ac i ddyfalbarhau i feddwl ac i gymryd risg yn annibynnol.
Ysgol sydd am i bob plentyn allu Cyrraedd y Copa ag i gyrraedd eu llawn potensial ac i fod yn unigolion hyderus, uchelgeisiol a chreadigol.
Ysgol sy’n dathlu, diwylliant yr ardal leol a thraddodiadau Cymru er mwyn byw i allu parchu a gofalu am y byd i’r dyfodol. 

Gadewch i ni ‘Gyrraedd y Copa’ gyda’n gilydd.

Our values:
This School is committed to:

  • Developing pupils to reach their full potential, and encouraging Lifelong Learning.
  • Providing a happy rural atmosphere that is caring and safe for children.
  • Creating a supportive, encouraging and helpful environment in order to promote and facilitate opportunities for every child.
  • Providing active, thoughtful and creative learning.

This School Provides:

  • Enthusiastic and conscientious staff.
  • Equal opportunities and inclusion for all pupils.
  • A close and homely atmosphere.
  • Opportunities that stimulate and promote learning.
  • A Welsh atmosphere.

Our vision:

Ysgol Bro Ingli's main purpose is to create a happy, safe and healthy environment.

A school that praises and supports pupils who do their best and persevere to think and take risks independently.

A school that wants all children to be able to reach the summit and to reach their full potential and to be confident, ambitious and creative individuals.

A school that celebrates the culture of the local area and the traditions of Wales in order to live to be able to respect and care for the world for the future.

Let us ‘Cyrraedd y Copa’ (Reach the summit) together