Mae gan Gorff Llywodraethol Ysgol Bro Ingli 14 o aelodau.   Mae'r corff yn cynnwys pedwar rhiant a etholwyd gan rieni’r Ysgol.

Mae’r Llywodraethwyr yn chwarae rhan bwysig iawn sy’n cynnwys cyfrifoldeb am arolygu pob agwedd ar fywyd yr ysgolion.   Hefyd, mae ganddynt gyfraniad pwysig i’w wneud trwy gynorthwyo’r ysgol i gyflawni eu nodau ac amcanion.

Ysgol Bro Ingli Governing Body is made up of 14 members. They include four parents elected by the schools’ parents.

The Governors play a crucial role including responsibility for supporting and monitoring all aspects of school life.   Also, they have an important contribution to make in helping the school to achieve its aims and objectives.

Aelodau o’r Corff Llywodraetho / Members of the governing body
Cadeirydd / chair personMrs Katrina Ellis
Is-Gadeirydd / Vice- ChairpersonMrs Emma Rees
Aelodau cymunedol / Community membersMrs Glenda Thomas
Mrs Susan Davies
Mr Philip Simpson
Rhiant lywodraethwyr / Parent governorsMrs Katrina Ellis
Mrs Emma Rees
Ms Nicola Watson
Miss Meleri Ennis
Awdurdod lleol / Local authorityCyng. Huw Murphy
Ms Lowri Nambisan
Ms Henrietta Penn
Aelod cymunedol ychwanegol / Additional community memberMrs Ros McGarry
Cynrychiolydd staff dysgu / Teaching staff representativeMrs Ffion Rodgers
Cynrychiolydd staff / Staff representativeMiss Alison Rees
Pennaeth - HeadteacherMrs Enfys Howells
Clerc / ClerkMr Steven Richard-Downes
Cyfarwyddwr Addysg a Gwasanaethau i Blant
Adran Addysg a Gwasanaethau
Neuadd y Sir
Sir Benfro
SA61 1TP
Emma Rees
Glenda Thomas
Henrietta Penn
Huw Murphy
Kat Ellis
Lowri Nambisan
Meleri Ennis
Nicola Watson
Phil Simpson
Ros McGarry