Mae gennym bolisi drws agored, ac anogir rhieni i ddod i siarad â ni os oes unrhyw beth yn eu poeni. Trefnir bod y rhieni’n medru trafod datblygiad a gwaith y plant yn ystod y flwyddyn; ceir cyfarfodydd rieni yn ystod tymor yr Hydref, tymor y Gwanwyn a chynhelir noson agored i weld gwaith y plant yn nhymor yr Haf.

Gosodir targedau ar gyfer pob unigolyn yn nhymor yr Hydref ac yn nhymor y Gwanwyn a chynigir cyngor ac anogaeth i rieni ar sut i fedru helpu eu plant gyflawni’r targedau yma.

Cyflwynir adroddiadau’r plant i’r rhieni ar ddiwedd Tymor yr Haf, a chroesewir hwy i siarad gyda’r staff am gynnydd eu plant.

Anogir rhieni i ddod i helpu’r ysgol mewn unrhyw ffordd posib. Os oes gennych unrhyw sgiliau, talentau neu arbenigedd i’w gynnig byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi eich help. Ond rhaid llenwi ffurflen ‘DBS’ a derbyn tystysgrif clir ynghyd â 2 eirda cyn gweithio gyda phlant.

Ceir cytundeb rhwng y cartref â’r ysgol. Mae’r cytundeb yn golygu bod y disgybl a’i gartref a’r ysgol yn cytuno i gydweithredu er mwyn sicrhau y cyfleoedd gorau un ar gyfer datblygiad addysg plentyn. Cyflwynir hwn i chi ar fynediad eich plentyn i’r ysgol.

Wrth lofnodi’r cytundeb hwn, hyderwn y byddwn yn ffurfio cyswllt effeithiol rhwng y cartref â’r ysgol, cyswllt fydd yn arwain at well dealltwriaeth o’n cyfrifioldebau, ac y bydd eich plentyn yn y dyfodol yn elwa o’r addewidion a wnaethpwyd ar y cyd gennym.

We have an open-door policy, and parents are encouraged to come in to school to discuss any issues they may have. Arrangements are made for parents to discuss the progress of their child during the year; parents evening are arranged during the autumn and Spring Term and an open evening is held during the Summer term where an opportunity is given to parents to see their child’s work.

Targets are set for every child during the Autumn and Spring Term, and we offer advice and support to parents to help their children to achieve these targets.

Reports on their children’s progress are given to parents at the end of the Summer Term, and they are welcome to discuss their child’s progress with the staff.

Parents are encouraged to come into school to help in any way possible. If you have any skills, talents or expertise to offer we would appreciate your help.

There is a contract between the home and the school. The contract means that the pupil and his/her home and the school have agreed to provide the best educational opportunities possible for the child. This is given to you as your child starts at school.

By signing this contract, our intention is that it will form an effective link between the home and the school, a link that will lead to a better understanding of our responsibilities, and that your child will benefit from the promises that we have made together.