
Mae mynychu’r ysgol yn rheolaidd ac yn brydlon yn bwysig iawn. Er mwyn dysgu arferion da, disgwylir i bob plentyn gyrraedd yr ysgol mewn pryd. Clwb Brecwast yn agor am 8.10yb gyda’r drysau’n agor i bawb am 8.45yb. Y cyfnod cofrestru yw rhwng 9 a 9.10am. Cedwir cofnod o'r holl blant sy'n cyrraedd yr ysgol yn hwyr. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi gasglu eich plant ar ddiwedd y dydd yn brydlon am 3:15pm hefyd. Mae polisi ein hysgol ar Bresenoldeb a Phrydlondeb yn diffinio absenoldebau ‘awdurdodedig’ ac ‘anawdurdodedig’ a’r gofynion a nodir gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Gwyliau Teuluol

Ni fydd yr ysgol yn cytuno i blentyn golli mwy na 5 diwrnod ysgol am wyliau mewn unrhyw flwyddyn ysgol oni bai bod amgylchiadau eithriadol. Mae ffurflenni cais gwyliau ar gael o'r Swyddfa.


A wnewch chi ffonio neu e-bostio’r ysgol cyn naw o’r gloch y bore os yw’ch plentyn yn absennol gyda rheswm am yr absenoldeb. Os na chawn ein hysbysu, bydd eich plentyn yn cael ei nodi fel absenoldeb anawdurdodedig.

Monitro Presenoldeb

Mae presenoldeb a phrydlondeb disgyblion yn cael eu monitro'n wythnosol gan y Pennaeth. Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi am gyfarfod os oes gennym unrhyw bryderon. Mae ein presenoldeb yn cael ei fonitro’n rheolaidd gan Swyddog Lles Cynhwysiant ar gyfer Clwstwr Bro Gwaun, a fydd yn darparu cefnogaeth ychwanegol i deuluoedd sydd ei angen.


Os yw eich plentyn yn absennol oherwydd salwch neu os oes rhaid iddo fynychu apwyntiad deintyddol neu ysbyty bydd angen i chi roi gwybod i ni naill ai drwy anfon nodyn at ei athro/athrawes ddosbarth neu hysbysu’r ysgol dros y ffôn. Mae’r gofyniad hwn yn ein galluogi i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw absenoldebau’n cael eu cofnodi’n anghywir ac, yn bwysicaf oll, yn eich galluogi i’n helpu i gadw’ch plentyn yn ddiogel. Os bydd disgybl yn mynd yn sâl yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol, byddwn yn cysylltu â chi i gasglu eich plentyn. Mewn achos annhebygol o ddamwain yn yr ysgol a lle na ellir cysylltu â’r rhieni, bydd y disgybl yn cael ei gludo i’r ysbyty mewn car neu ambiwlans yng nghwmni aelod o staff. Os yw'ch plentyn yn sâl gyda symptomau tebyg i ffliw neu'n chwydu a 'dolur rhydd', cadwch eich plentyn gartref am 48 awr ar ôl iddo wella.

Every school day counts towards your child’s future. Days off school add up to lost learning.
A year has 365 days, 52 weeks, and 12 months.
A school year has 195 days, 39 weeks, and 6 terms.
Five days in each school years are training days for teachers (= INSET days)
Pupils attend school therefore for 190 days. 175 days are non-school days.
A school day is divided into two sessions. A pupil therefore should attend school for 380 sessions.
• 10 days absence (20 sessions) = 5% absence
• 19 days absence (38 sessions) = 10% absence (four whole weeks)
• 29 days absence (58 sessions) = 15% absence
• 38 days absence (76 sessions) = 20% absence
• 47 days absence (94 sessions) = 25% absence
• 17 days off school every year means that you will probably obtain a whole grade lower in your exams than you are really capable of.
• Pupils with more than 15% absence (85% attendance) are unlikely to gain 5 A-C GCSE’s or any qualifications in secondary school.
Being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning:
• 5 minutes late every day = 3 lost days (6 sessions) a year
• 15 minutes late every day = 2 lost weeks (10 sessions) a year
• 30 minutes late every day = 19 lost days (38 sessions) a year
Missing 19 days (10% absence) every year over 10 years of a school life
=1 whole year of school (380 sessions).


Attending school regularly and punctually is very important. To learn good habits, all children are expected to arrive at school on time. Breakfast Club opens at 8.10am with the doors opening to all at 8.45am. The registration period is between 9 and 9.10am. A record is kept of all children who arrive late to school. We kindly ask you to collect your children at the end of the day promptly at 3:15pm as well. Our school policy on Attendance and Punctuality defines ‘authorised’ and ‘unauthorised’ absences and the requirements as laid down by the Welsh Government.

Family Holidays

School will not agree to a child missing more than 5 school days for a holiday in any school year unless there are exceptional circumstances. Holiday application forms are available from the Office.


Will you call or email the school before nine o'clock in the morning if your child is absent with a reason for the absence. If we are not informed, your child will be marked as an unauthorised absence.

Attendance Monitoring

Pupil attendance and punctuality is monitored on a weekly basis by the Headteacher. We will contact you for a meeting if we have any concerns. Our attendance is monitored on a regular basis by an Inclusion Welfare Officer for Bro Gwaun Cluster, who will provide additional support to families that require it.


If your child is absent because of illness or must attend a dental or hospital appointment you will need to let us know by either sending a note to his/her class teacher or informing the school by telephone. This requirement enables us to ensure that no absences are recorded incorrectly and, most importantly, enable you to help us keep your child safe. If a pupil becomes ill during the school day, we will contact you to collect your child. In the unlikely event of an accident at school and where the parents cannot be contacted, the pupil will be taken to hospital by car or ambulance accompanied by a member of staff. If your child is ill with flu-like symptoms or vomiting and 'diarrohea', please keep your child at home for 48 hours after he/she has recovered.