Mae pob plentyn oed cynradd yn cael cinio am ddim gan y Llywodraeth ac mae bwydlen pythefnosol yn cael ei ddilyn gan y gegin. Paratoir ciniawau canol dydd yng nghegin yr ysgol. Mae copi o’r fwydlen yn cael ei anfon adref ac i’w weld ar ap yr Ysgol neu ar wefan y Sir. Gall plentyn ddewis cinio neu dod â brechdanau o adref.

Bwydlen cinio ysgol / School lunch menu:
Bwydlen cinio ysgol (PDF)
School lunch menu (PDF)

All primary aged children receive a free lunch from the Government and a fortnightly menu is followed by the kitchen. Midday lunches are prepared in the school kitchen. A copy of the menu is sent home and can be viewed on the school’s app or on the County's website. A child can choose lunch or bring sandwiches from home.

Cinio Ysgol am Ddim - Free School Meals

Gallai fod gan eich plentyn hawl i gymorth ychwanegol gyda chostau ysgol, hyd yn oed os yw eisoes yn cael Prydau Ysgol am Ddim i bawb.

Your child could be entitled to additional support with school costs, even if they already receive Universal Primary Free School Meals.

Visit: ahead of applications closing on 31 May.

PCC gwybodaeth am brydau ysgol am ddim / PCC information on free school meals


If you receive certain benefits, you could be entitled to claim up to £200 to help your child with uniform, stationery, sports kit, and equipment.

Head to and claim what’s yours before 31 May.
